3/7/8 - Sheriff Event Winner and 4-0 at GenCon Qualifier

published Aug 05, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
3/7/8 Dogs - Springfield, VA Sheriff Event Winner 1 0 1
Inspiration for
None yet

cjbriley 96

Final version of the deck I ended up taking the GenCon. This is the same deck I won the Springfield, VA Sheriff event with in July.

At GenCon the deck went 4-0, playing against Desolation Row (Straight Flush Variant), Law Dogs, and two 4R Control players. I only played in the qualifier (Thursday Night) as I had other obligations on Saturday and Sunday.

Once N@N is legal I'll probably sub out two Shotguns for Dog's Dusters. I know Shotguns are amazing, but there's a lot of benefit to being able to give Andrew an influence in certain match-ups and I rarely play more than 1 shotgun a game anyway, if at all.