Quarterman spam/winbuying

published Oct 01, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Wagner's Revenge 6 9 3
Inspiration for
None yet

TDdoingthings 43

Oct 01, 2015 Kahkalack

I'm assuming your plan is to build up your economy, get into shootouts with Quaterman, then use Force Field + It's Not What You Know to win the fight.

It's a good idea, my only question is how often you expect to win shootouts without both of those in play / in your hand? Your draw structure is too loose to risk a shootout before you have the ghost rock to use those cards to even the playing field.

Do you just keep Quaterman's out to ace off in shootouts until you have everything you need to win them? I'm not being negative just wondering how consistent it is. If you've played it and tested it out please let us know how it plays.

Oct 04, 2015 TDdoingthings

I've played this deck and it's progenitor (http://dtdb.co/en/decklist/1284/wagner-s-revenge) a decent amount. I changed the parts of the deck I didn't like (the two Aces, low number of unique deeds) and used the space to include the INWYK package.

IMO, these 'midrange' decks are both the hardest to build and play so huge props to desilijic on their performance at Gencon. As you pointed out, the draw structure is pretty loose so the fights that we take have to be in our favour. Usually this means taking some turns to gear up and moving out when we have won lowball. The high number of out-of-town deeds really support this, as some players will think twice about denying you the income.

As far as weaknesses and the future direction of the deck, we really need to increase the amount of influence in the 52. This means finding space for dudes like Dr Emanuel Ashbel/Lili or slotting in some Fancy New Hats. In hindsight, Ballot Counter is a no-brainer especially in timed events. Finally, the Pistol Whip never felt amazing and sould possibly be a different shootout action (Nightmare at noon?) or the 3rd kidnapping to shore up the deedslide match.