*Epitaph Series Zwolle Juli 2017* Gadget Law

published Jul 16, 2017 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mrozing 10

Had a fun and cosy tournament in Zwolle with five dudes. Two dudes from the north (Groningen) and two from the south/middle (Utrecht) met up in the middle to join the one living there. We played three rounds + the final.

So I brought my homemade deck. Working on it for weeks; having a lot of fun play testing and tweaking, hoping it would work out for me. But lady luck had other plans for me…

I played two games – lost both - and got a bye to lick my wounds…

First round was against Justice In Exile The game was quickly over: lasted only one day. Both decks had a similar strategy: making dudes wanted and going after them. Build up for both went well, but I lost everybody except Jake in the first shootout at my home. My opponent played Ol' Fashioned Hangin'on Lucy (put two bounty on her earlier). I went in the shootout with 5 or 6 stud (had a Bio charged on Dr. Dayl Burnett). But the cards were against me. I had the choice between a legal 3 of a kind or an illegal 4 of a kind. I decided to cheat and play the higher hand. My opponent had an illegal 5 of kind – I had no punishment on him. He played Bottom Dealin' on me and that was the end of it…

Second round was against Gateway To Beyond. This game went on over countless days, both passing a lot. Searching for the better cards… My opponent’s strategy revolved around Sun-Touched Raven, but on day one he discovered that he had read over the significant little word Schootout and realised he couldn’t play it as a noon action. He found his balance soon enough. Slowly but surely Showboating up 7 control on Laughing Crow. I was building up a good economy, bolstering my dudes with weapons, but didn’t get enough deeds to gain more control and couldn’t get into a good fight to kick away his dudes. Not once did I get my hands on a Bounty Hunter or Judge Harry Somerset. In the end we had a grand shootout in which I point blanked Nicodemus Whateleyof the table, but Laughing Crow flew away and took the victory with her...