Kidnappin' Clowns

published May 26, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Donny 125

Deck went 3-0 to win the final league night of the Apr/May league in Burwood, NSW.

It's a deck where the clowns drag you off in the middle of the night and blow your brains out with shotguns. Mongwau starts, because with 3 bullets he's a great shotgun platform, with Tyx to protect him and Val as a backup huckster with 0 upkeep and influence.

Light on hexes - Corporeal Twist is the main one, with value and bullet reduction and a control point engine, and since both your starting hucksters are rank 1 you can never fail the pull. Fetch is in there for occasional fun, but mainly for its value and to discard to Mongwau once Tyx bites it - he has yet to survive a game.

Hiding in the Shadows gets the 5C slot over Pistol Whip, because once you have Mongwau with 2-3 Corporeal Twist and a shotgun, it's a real pity to see stuff happen to him before you can reduce someone's value enough to get them in range...

Kidnapping is obviously a key card. The goal when using it is not to hit your opponent when all their people are still grouped together, but if your opponent only has one stud left (after Shotgun) a Sun In Yer Eyes can let you take on whole opposing posses even quite early.

May 26, 2015 mplain

An aggro deck with 15 deeds is uncommon. Could you explain your reasoning behind this?

Did you try to fit Micah Ryse (Exp.1) into the starting posse? He seems to be very strong for this kind of deck.

Actually, do you think this archetype might be more successful as Oddities of Nature? With so few spells and a 30% chance to fail Fetch, you porbably can't use the outfit ability every turn anyway, and Pagliaccio would surely contribute to the deck strategy, no?

May 26, 2015 Donny

I'll start with the easy one... Oddities of Nature requires controlling the town square. Kidnapping sends your guys home booted after the job. These two do not go together! Yes, you don't use the outfit ability very much, but you start with an extra rock, and you get more out of it than you would from Oddities. Equally, Paglaccio would cause you to fail Corporeal Twist if you pulled him, and can't really displace anyone in the starting posse.

Micah is really good, but expensive! Given the need to play Tyx to protect your stack (and as an expendable casualty), you can't afford Micah as well. You could play Micah and Travis/Brute as starters over Valerie and Tyx, but you open yourself up to stuff like Pistol Whip, and because Micah has low bullets, he's not as good a shotgun platform as Mongwau.

Deeds... 10 of them are part of the draw structure, so the question boils down to why the other 5. There are four parts to this. 1 - shotguns are expensive and the deck only has 1 starting income. You need to drop a deed or two early to make your economy work, especially if you want to have any hope of buying more guys (with only 4 starting influence, you need to plan on buying more guys!). 2 - the extra deeds all serve an important purpose - Circle M to see Kidnapping faster, Baird's and General Store to support the weak economy, Carter's Bounties as Pistol Whip blocker, and Jackson's Strike as the most efficient 2 rock producing holding in the game. 3 - you don't have many ways of getting control points. Corporeal Twist is usually good for them, but if you don't draw many Kidnappin' cards you can get stuck with no way to progress the game. Deeds give you the ability to advance your game state, allowing you to buy more stuff later but also to put control point pressure on your opponent.
4 - Kidnappin' is best when your opponent is spread out. Placing lots of tempting deeds for your opponent to walk into makes it easier to make their guys disappear :-)

May 28, 2015 mplain

I was thinking about starting Micah Ryse (Exp.1) over Mongwau. You don't really need high bullets if you can decrease their value, right? And that'd be much better for the economy too.

Then you could maybe drop a couple deeds and take Stone Idol - shotgunning Steven is always fun eh. :) Or Forget, it would feed Micah's ability and allow you to trigger the outfit more often.

Jun 08, 2015 Bronto

The new hat is a cheap solution to your Influence issues while being interesting for its value (K). Do you plan on considering it?

Aug 14, 2015 Donny

@mplain Micah is a solid choice as well, with the draw structure as tight as it is. I tested Stone Idol and didn't get much out of it. Too expensive. Forget is solid, but I'm not sure it's better than seeing deeds.

@Bronto Because the deck is so aggressive and has three starters with influence, I haven't found its effective 4 starting influence to be a challenge yet. And with 7 dudes who have 2 inf in the deck, you have a good chance to get to 6 quickly. In general, though, the plan is to drop their influence below yours quickly. The K value on Fancy New Hat isn't really relevant here - the deck doesn't need more than a 3 value pull to be effective, though getting a 4 for Fetch is nice. K is way overkill!