• 1–8

8 cartes

Titre Gang Type Value Coût Sous-type Set
Andrew Lane Neutral Legend The Ghost Hell's Comin' With Me 1
Darius Hellstromme Neutral Legend Servitor There Comes a Reckoning 1
Doc Holliday Neutral Legend Out for Blood 7
Ezekiah Grimme Neutral Legend Servitor There Comes a Reckoning 2
Hank Ketchum Neutral Legend Ol' One Eye Hell's Comin' With Me 2
Jasper Stone Neutral Legend Servitor There Comes a Reckoning 3
Lacy O'Malley Neutral Legend Ace Reporter Hell's Comin' With Me 3
Raven Neutral Legend Servitor There Comes a Reckoning 4
  • 1–8

8 cartes