Firmly parked at the intersection of Applied and Theoretical sciences, Len Nuanez provides his services to two employers with gusto.
While either faction can and do make use of Gadget Weapons, that aspect is more often in the Law Dog wheelhouse. In this situation, Len can save you the precious action of having to trade the weapon to your key shooter - or even toss the weapon, ready to use, to a dude in Town Square.
as every Gadget player knows, the opportunity cost of booting to play your goods (on top of the value constraints to make sure that you are successful) can be a burden and a risk. With Len's second react he can slap together the parts for an Experimental Gadget to prove his latest theory, unbooting at his eureka! moment. As of now there are six Experimental Gadgets for the science savvy - up to you to decide if it is worth it.