Influ Kung Fu

published Nov 17, 2018 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Influ Kung Fu 0 0 0

yoritomobobo 43

Nov 20, 2018 oortje

You have found a very specific deck. Kungfu indians - Quema nunchucks - Demonking. What are your results so far? It seems very hard to make it succeed.

Nov 21, 2018 yoritomobobo

No game yet, should have more to say after this weekend. Like most of my decks, i moved from my original idea during deckbuilding. It's likely i should remove some Quema/Nunchuk for a bit of Knight Chasuble and some other stuff, to begin with. But the idea of booting people and then Wei Xu issuing unrefusable It's who you know with his 3 influ with some powerful kung fu actions sounds solid.

Nov 25, 2018 yoritomobobo

Works very well after ome games tonight, its who you know and the outfit are a killer combination, suitcase is awesome. The demon king tao work well with all this too. I need to reduce the number of nunchucks and quema, probably to add a bit of knight chasuble/Bowie knife. Need to find cheaper dudes options too.