Sloane's Straight Flush

published Nov 12, 2014 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kain8 15

Half dudes, half deeds. Low values everywhere really can help you win Lowball. Get straights, flushes, or even straight flushes to win shootouts. Large starting gang to try and overwhelm your opponent right from the first turn.

Nov 13, 2014 mplain

Your starting possé can include no more than 5 dudes (rulebook p14 "Sutup"). Also, you won't have any money to buy the first deed with.

Nov 13, 2014 Kain8

Thanks mplain, definitely will take out Silas and Ulysses from starting gang to make it legal and have some ghost rock left over.

Nov 13, 2014 jhonwayne

Have you tried this deck? Does it actually work? I'm really curious about it.