Miner's Alliance K,Q,8,6

published Feb 08, 2023 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Miner's Alliance v2 Q,8,6 0 1 0

EOJBakura 25

My first deck for the new current format. Open to suggestions but its mostly about the home power and running home/to safety. Back up subtheme of hucksters.

Feb 09, 2023 jaythejester

El Anónimo is ridiculously good in decks running 8’s. It’s 1 GR to snipe a deed for the win, to cause a surprise shootout when dudes are booted from moving around, or to cause a draw dude to become a really mean threat for a turn. If you don’t pay the upkeep he goes back in deck to help your draw structure again.

If you find your still getting a lot of 4-Of A Kinds (OAK’s) with 4 different values than your golden, but if your just not cutting it getting to many 3 OAK’s or full houses and are out matched in shootouts you might want to tighten up at least 2 of the values and weaken one or two other values. If your consistently getting Full houses, but are getting beat by cheaters you might need to pivot the deck into having more Cheatin’ cards like Quick Draw Handgun, and It’s Not What You Know.

Feb 12, 2023 EOJBakura

@jaythejester The deck has been running pretty nicely so far but I will look into adding more cheatin' hate cards or tighten it up value wise.