Dogs 6/7/9 Goodenough

published Jul 12, 2024 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kacheese 11

This is a stab at trying out Dr. JT Goodenough.

The goal of the deck is to use starting studs in combination with JT Goodenough to have a powerful starting gang and try to use that early advantage to bully my opponents.

I tried my best to keep the draw structure pretty tight so I can be aggressive early.

The options for JT are: -Hydro Puncher -Devil's Six Gun -Kinetic Accretion Actualizer

I really considered putting in a Yagn's Mechanical Skeleton and/or Flame Thrower as well. I decided against them because they were pretty risky to play outside of Goodenough.

I put in a few tools to force fights/target specific dudes. 2x Kidnappin', 1x Curse of Failure, and 2x Tin Star. This is my first time trying out Tin Star as a way to force fights. So far it has been doing OK.

I was considering Fort 51, but I ended up with so few gadgets, I decided to go for Law Dogs instead.

I went for a cheeky miracle splash with 1x of the on-value miracles. This might be too greedy with almost no back-up blessed in the deck.

Holy Roller works well if Padre is a bigger bullet stud thanks to gadgets. He can be a one man army when that happens.

I was considering going up to 2x Shield of Faith. Mostly because: my deck doesn't have a lot of cheap/disposable dudes, I am going for a full house structure, so ties are pretty common, and my dudes often have expensive gadgets on them. So all of that makes the casualty soak on Shield of Faith a pretty appealing proposition.

The deck has had some troubles economically. The gadgets can end up getting pretty expensive. I considered weakening the structure a bit to add a couple of extra deeds.

With how frequently there is a decently high bullet stud, it seems like weakening the draw structure for some powerful off-values could be doable. Point Blank was a stand out card I was considering. I decided to play it safe with a tighter structure for now in the spirit of going for early aggression.

I would love some feedback regarding this deck.