Cheap Tricks & Discount Clowns

published Jun 25, 2022 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DoomDog 984

Here's one of the decks I played in the online league. It's based around getting into a fight with your draw dudes, using Maurice Croker's ability to hit your opponent's best stud dude, then use Mongwau's ability, Winchester and Landon Grimes moving Bobo into the fight so you have some studs of your own.

Bobo can enter play for free with this home, which is amazing. You also get cheap Pags and The Brute to swarm with.

The Hexes are low difficulty ones, but still aren't guaranteed to succeed with every Huckster. Mostly they're in to give Mongwau fuel for his ability.

I should probably swap a couple of Bedazzles for Hawley's Rose so I can make Valeria Batten and Padre Ernesto de Diaz into Abominations to give Grimes more stud targets. If you find that ends up leaving Mongwau short of Hexes then finding room for a couple of them elsewhere might help.