Law Dogs 3/8/10

published Aug 02, 2024 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kamacausey 70

Aug 11, 2024 Kacheese

This deck is really sweet! Lotta strong shootout actions and a lotta ways to force the shootouts.

What was the rationale for including Dispatch Office?

How did the deck perform?

Aug 12, 2024 Kamacausey

Thanks for the compliment! It did fairly well at Gencon. They cut to top 4 and this deck ended up 5th I believe so it just missed out. This was my no playtesting attempt at building a law dogs deck in the new weird west format. I wanted to play 8’s because I wanted to play with my new card: JACC’s fail safe and boy did that card not disappoint! It’s everything I could have hoped for! Very pleased with how it turned out. My biggest regret with this deck and what costed me one of my losses was starting the agent provocateur. In theory the agent seems great but it’s just too restrictive in the end imho. Non movable influence was brutal and going forward I would absolutely switch the agent out for Phillip swinford or someone along those lines. I included the dispatch office because I like the idea of thinning the deck one less card and it actually did pretty good. I mostly used it to stop one of my guys from getting a bounty when I ran a job at someone’s house using the fail safe, but more than once I also used it to increase the bounty on someone before cashing it in.