Law Dogs, Blessed, with 10-9-K

published Apr 16, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Blessed of the Law 0 0 0

jayjazz99 12

14 -10's, 10- 9's, 10-K's First attempt at Blessed Law dogs, let me know what you guys think. The spells are critical to boost Adam, use the home ability and magical distraction, which is why I added concealed weapon. I decided to go for the experienced Swinford for the added infludence. I also added a possibility of a straight flush with the diamonds, just for the fun of it. I'm considering taking off ''Faster on the draw'' to add'' Lay on hands''.

Apr 16, 2015 byronczimmer

Can you touch on why you have Concealed Weapons but no Prayers despite 10 of your 13 hearts being Miracles?

Apr 16, 2015 jayjazz99

You're right, I will drop 2 magical distractions and add 2 prayer. This will permit me to also drop the 2 concealed weapons and go for the Lay on hands. Thanks.

Apr 16, 2015 byronczimmer

You will have the distinction of being the first published deck with Prayer if you do that.

(I still haven't gotten to a point where I like my Prayerful deck.)

Apr 16, 2015 jayjazz99

How can I update this deck ? Do I need to publish a new one ?

Apr 22, 2015 lonewolf

I don't understand why people like Lay on Hands: it boot your Blessed, your saved dude can't unboot, it's a crappy Value. You could play a card that could have avoided you a loss.

Apr 24, 2015 Madalice

@lonewolf There are 2 reasons; first it goes with other decks with one or two Blessed Dudes in it with a decent draw that uses the one big shooter option (a decently popular deck type currently; and also what this deck is for the most part) and the second reason is that while it boots them until the end of the day Lay On Hands it can be un-Booted by abilities on other cards or moved by them if they can move a Booted Dude and that can be combined well with the proper actions to make for a strong High Noon day.

Apr 24, 2015 lonewolf

What I meant more clearly is : why playing a situational, out-of-value, restricted card when you could have played a on-value card that could have won you the day. I dislike the most running out of value cards in Spell deck. And most of all when I do so, it's just for 1 or 2 slots. In Miracle deck you allready need Holly Roller that is out of and low value. You certainly need Fast on the Draw too. You can't run 1/3 of your deck too low for your skill-checks. Or throw away Reverend and Lord Provides. What a spell deck need is to be reliable on your pull.