Action • Cost 2

Resolution: A 2-stud Gunslinger token enters play and joins your posse. If the opponent's hand is a Dead Man's Hand, reduce the cost of this card by 2, reduce your casualties by 3 this round, and give the Gunslinger +2 bullets.

Neutral • Mike Wolmarans • Whispers of War #52
By on

Another Card where I have to give 100% of the credit to my excellent playtest Team.

My original version was a headline involving wanted dudes, as the harrowed hickock passed around his Justice. - then, because of the card name and that legendary hand of cards, I attached a rider bonus / alternate use to save you from an opposing Dead Man's Hand. That bonus ability became the focus, and after a number of changes the headline was lost and the DMH response rose from the ashes.

in a non-DMH situation, this gives you 2 "free" casualty soaking for 2 ghost rock. (Note that if the fight is in your opponent's private location, the gunslinger gains a bounty). This can also push your posse over the top on bullets count for an Outgunned

against a Dead Man's Hand, the damage is dropped down - coming out unscathed if you have a four of a kind, and with a 4 stud token to boot. And considering that your opponent just revealed a DMH, odds are that they will push another round because they foolishly believe that they will do it again.