Avie's "lasso"

published Jul 07, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SIN inc 10

The concept of the deck is to use Avie (exp) ability to pull opponents dudes into a fight at avie's location.

-Shane & Graves security is a good spot, as it give you a 2 stud to fight with. -Steven wiles had to be in this deck because who doesn't love seeing there dude being called out by steven, Avie atleast saves steven the leg work of chasing them down. - Force Field, the idea behind this is so Avie can go into any shoot out without fear of dying. she is harrowed and a tied shoot out means harrowed dudes go home booted while the opponent takes 1 casualty. Using avie's ability your opponent should only have 1 dude in the fight any ways. - ...It's who you know, this card is useful in here as well because right away if you pull a dude to avies location she can start the shoot out despite being tapped. plus it makes her a 3 stud for the shoot out.

I like the way the decks working so far, but I feel like the deck needs more tap down effects. Avie's ability to get a dude in a location by themselves works best when an opponents dudes are booted down then pulled to her location and being booted they can't refuse a call out started by a dude at the same location as avie.

Jul 07, 2015 Keyboshabaz

i have a deck with a similar concept except its legendary holster and shotgun based(A 2 3). try to finish them off before you even get to a shootout.