Experienced Judge, still silly

published Jul 20, 2015 | | |
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neishin 8

Just make a key dude in the opponent starting posse wanted (via Andrew Burton) and go for them the first chance you have. With the amounts of shootouts you should be able to have a bigger drawing hand than the opponent. They now they are in trouble, so they will try to get as high a hand as possible. And then you drop the hammer - any cheating you have (and you will have one no doubt).

EDIT: Preferably change Pistol Whips for more Bad Company.

Jul 21, 2015 tbowers13

Do you start with Gomorra Jail and no money? If not how do you get the CPs you need to win? The jail's ability doesn't work with the Judge's job since it aces the dude rather than discarding them. You're basically forced to bring the opponent down to 0 or 1 influence.

Jul 21, 2015 neishin

Yes, you start with no ghost rock. It's no big deal, you don't need it and more often than not you will have money from wasting wanted dudes.

Experienced Judge discards, so that's one thing. The second one is that from my experience opponents want to defend their dudes and you usually kill more then one. After that tou can easily take control of the opponent's deeds or in the next turn kill off the rest of his dudes,

Jul 21, 2015 neishin

Also, I would change the Pistol Whips for more Bad Company (or Good Old Hangin', but that would me a overkill IMO).