Circus Resistance

published Jul 28, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Circus Resistance - Sydney Sheriff version 10 15 12

Donny 125

Starts with 5 influence and 0 upkeep, so don't rush.

Flood the board with abominations and camp the town square as soon as you are able. Use Allie to set a clock, and play deeds as necessary to bump things along. Eventually your opponent will have to fight you, and having loads of bodies to soak casualties (especially The Brute) and Bottom Dealin'/Hot Lead Flyin' lets you play the attrition game, where they take more casualties than you do.

Cheat every time, aiming for 5oak on 3s or 6s (16x each). Sure, they may drop some cheating punish on you... soak through it and keep drawing 5oaks.

Jul 31, 2015 Barto

I went 4-1 in the first Gencon qualifier with this deck. The loss was due mostly to a statistically unlikely bad shootout hand (2 pair off of 2 stud, 3 draw).

Aug 06, 2015 ccbstickman

@Donny @Barto What advantages did you find that Arnold McCadish?

Aug 14, 2015 Donny

@ccbstickman It's an attrition deck. Arnold means that you don't take as much damage as your opponents - and he's 2 (hard) influence and 0 upkeep. He's a solid starter who doesn't help you towards proactively winning the game, but the deck is one that can quite happily take its time, and the longer it goes on, the more chance you have of winning.