108 Barely Legal Bandits - London Sheriff 4th Place

published Nov 21, 2016 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

hehasmoments 181

This is the deck I took to 4th place at the London Sheriff.

Once things get going and the right cards are in hand this really starts firing, its weakness is early game aggression but the Caretaker is in there to defend dudes at home early on. (Although I think every time that happened he immediately got hit with SIYE, thanks Dave).

Game plan is to get 1 or 2 mirror mirrors onto Steele and Theo, reduce opponents studs to 0 draws and try and make sure they don't have much power to shoot. If they've only got 1 stud in the posse and you can get both Steele and Theo, its fun to steal their bullets with one and then make them a draw with the other..

The structure of the deck is really loose, you're rarely expecting to pull more than a 3 of a kind but aiming for a straight, then boosting with PTPT, Gamblers Gun, Hex Slinging and Comin up roses to turn something rubbish into something beautiful.

At the same time ideally the fact your opponent is now only shooting brass bullets means they're likely to cheat, when you hit them with a Bottom Dealing and deal them out a high card or a pair and wipe out a big chunk of their posse.

I chose Worldly desires as the home to try and get the extra card in lowball and avoid cheating, but the number of times I managed to get the lowest cash it may not have been worth it and I might try rebuilding with a different home or faction..

Nov 22, 2016 Prodigy

Very interesting deck. Man, that structure is SO loose... but with the cheatin' res you have I can see it being very devastating when they do cheat.

Still, if you are getting a rank 4, maybe 5 then it seems like you need multiple hand rank boosts to get near a likely full house for the opponent. Was having a single gamblers gun, or one hex slingin', or 1-2 PTPTs enough to bump yourself above whatever the opponents typically had, or did you need a combination of a couple of those things?

Likewise did people seem to cheat a lot against you? If so, I'd imagine a single Bottom Dealin or Comin Up Roses would be enough by itself, without the help of any other hand rank bumping... but if you did have those it's just extra hurt for the opponent.

Cool deck, and good job on the high finish!