White Bull Shizza - Servitor 3rd

published Jan 21, 2018 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RichCarter 474

unfortunately only 8 players for our Servitor event, so I did not get extensive testing of the deck (no playtest before the event, strictly trial by fire).

Round one against Morgan Gadgetorium. Was able to drop a 2 casualty white bull and then tie hand ranks to force a 2 for 1 exchange (losing Buford Hurley). Then locked economic pressure and played enough deeds to secure the win.

Round Two, against Fourth Ring Sanitorium - Zac killed two Rabbits Deception and a White Bull with Sight beyond Sight, so I was struggling. but 4 influence Yunxu was still scary. I thought I had some of his dudes dead to rights with Daomei Wang moving Yunxu into town square, but an unexpected Harvester out of a Clown Carriage was trouble. and a Point blank removed my remaining dude (saving Zac from the fury of the white bull, I should have sent more backups). But Time got called, and my superior influence won out.

Round three against base Sloane Gang. Could not find extra influence, and could not find an answer for the starting Willa Mae. And Patrick kept pulling solid legal hands, nothing I could do. Lost Big Time.

since the White Bull requires booting, I need to figure more movement choices for my ticking time bomb. And having a real stud or two would help with pushing the aggression. I am running extra dudes in order to leave someone behind when I drop the bomb, but more deeds could help too.

And I need something to deal with Willa Mae - that was pure oversight on my part.

Jan 21, 2018 jordan caldwell
Jan 28, 2018 RichCarter

but then I lose the saloon trickery

Jul 29, 2018 Maxus

I ran this deck at the Houston Tombstone event and won the day. So...I ran this deck better than Rich Carter. With the new attire rule I was also able to take a low influence dude and give them bonus influence at a deed at the end of my opponents street.

Jul 29, 2018 Maxus

I ran this deck at the Houston Tombstone event and won the day. So...I ran this deck better than Rich Carter. With the new attire rule I was also able to take a low influence dude and give them bonus influence at a deed at the end of my opponents street.

Jul 29, 2018 Harlath

Thanks @Maxus, good to see decks being shared in various locations and congratulations on taking it to victory! :)