Jan 02, 2020 Findegil |
Jan 02, 2020
jordan caldwell
I don't have a good answer to the first question. As to the second, the idea, between The Spiritual Society and Mariel Lewis, is to quickly build "weaponizable" influence. But, perhaps a single Mustang couldn't hurt? Cheers. |
Jan 03, 2020
One advantage of Travis over Ms. Perfect is if they get a Chasuble, Travis at least won't be +1 upkeep. Not sure if that outweighs the initial GR difference, but there you have it. |
Jan 04, 2020
jordan caldwell
Oh yep totally intentional! Definitely... |
If you're not starting Travis Moone, why not Christine Perfect instead?
And maybe a Mustang (to combo with Rhonda or Francisco, and help you grab more strikes for the MMC) or two in place of all those Chasubles?