Do the Locomotion - To boothill and back

published Apr 12, 2021 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

hehasmoments 181

This is my deck which finished Top 4 in the online Marshal event.

I’ve wanted to build a Bayou Vermillion Deck since it was first released and Lou Esquilin arriving in Welcome to Deadwood really made an idea viable.

Focussing on the gadget side of Mystical goods and taking advantage of Dabney Scuttlesby and Valeria’s ability to invent them, the decks aim is to generate lots of bullets with some goodies on dudes, maybe turn an abomination or 2 into some Wretched muscle and then pile into fights. All those abominations aced via the wretched, buried treasure or in fights are cycled back through Soul Cage, Horace Mance or Ivor coming into play.

It went 3-2 in Swiss, beating eventual an eventual finalist and semi finalist along the way before losing to Deputy Way’s excellent Den of Thieves deck in the semi final.

My memories of the games aren’t great, especially early rounds but I’ve tried to dredge up what I can!

Round 1 vs SauronsBeagle (Des Row) - I don’t remember many details apart from it involving some fairly quick and bloody fights which went my way

Round 2 vs Max Way (Den of Theives) - again, details are hazy but we both came out guns blazing. The wretched made an appearance, donned an Essence of Armitage and then did the damage

Round 3 Vs Ledgerman (sanatorium) - round 3 saw a face off against the other fear monger in the field. His deck had some great tricks based on fighting with influence instead of bullets but with a cheat at the wrong time and the harvester arriving via the soul cage, having a 3 stud who fought on influence or straight bullets was too much for him in a fight.

Round 4 vs Shekky_ducky (Des Row) - Shekky was running a flush deck on clubs with all of the shootout tricks, pretty much guaranteeing him a flush in every fight, using outgunned to shoot himself above a full house and aiming for straight flushes this game saw some tight shootouts which swung his way. Unfortunately I didn’t see a soul cage or six gun until the second half of the game and he didn’t even cheat in lowball until after I had.

Round 5 vs Doom dog (Morgan Original) - Using the Morgan home to generate a property portfolio and boosting it with Jinrai gave Dave a decent economy but it was the arrival of Jon ‘Aces’ experienced bringing an Electrostatic Pump Gun with him which caused me real problems. At one point Dave left Jinrai and Irving exposed at a deed and they paid the ultimate price, unfortunately that was the only blood to the railroad. It was a super tight game, lots of very close shoutouts (4oak vs full h) went in Dave’s favour and attritionally wore me down

Quarter Final vs Doom dog - An immediate return fixture against the cattle company turned out to be a reverse of the previous match up. No sign of Aces this time and the rights shootouts went my way and the railroad took over the town

Semi final vs Max Way Another match up against the Den of Thieves saw me face off against Max again for a place in the Final. This game just didn’t quite fire for me, my supply of expendable mooks didn’t appear and I was already under the cosh influence wise when I found a wretched so couldn’t afford to sacrifice any influence. At one point pagliaccio tried a sole shootout as a risk which didn’t pay off, but pagliaccio didn’t even have the decency to get aced so Horace couldn’t dig him up again. discarded, Ambrose had to go in a tightly lost shootout taking his Six Gun with him, Valeria got pulled out of shape chasing Frank Stilwell away leaving no option but to go for one last showdown in the square. Unfortunately a mis play meant the Magnum Opus didn’t have enough bullets to send Ramiro home and with a drink in him he was just too strong, final shootout to the Den sealing the game and Max’s place in the final.

This was a really fun deck to pilot and on its day could maybe have gone all the way, disappointingly I never got a chance to feed Pagliaccio to the Magnum Opus to ace a dude, so there’s a bucket list item to complete..

I’d only make a couple of changes before running again, swapping the Blighted for another Shadow Walk (I never remembered I had it) and to swap out Margret Hagerty for Bobo to have another cheap abomination.

Apr 14, 2021 Harlath

Thanks for the thorough write-up!

Mark got good use of The Blighted in this: but he had Election Day Slaughter, Point Blank and Soul Blast to help fetch them.

Good luck making the swaps - both sound sensible, help with board presence.

Plus charmed to see new in older seldom used cards like Dabney Scuttlesby!