WWE Smith & Robard's Q-J-9

published Mar 05, 2023 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
WWE Smith & Robard's Q-J-9 0 0 0

RichCarter 474

Fairly Straightforward 3 Value Smith and Robard's. A little light on clubs so that we can move Bio-Charged Neutalizer around. Gadgets have some or all of their abilities while Booted, so that they can be readily used with the outfit action.

This does lack an aggressive fight pusher beyond Epidemic Lab.

May 09, 2023 RichCarter

Played this in the Revolver tournament and LOST. But I did forget to import Jokers.
Ultimately Gadget builds are going to be slower, as you build up your violence machines. Deck could probably use 3 more clubs for more legal full houses, and some sort of surprises. (Nightmare at Noon factored heavily into my loss.)