WWE Jonah's Alliance 3-4-5

published Jun 15, 2023 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
WWE Jonah's Alliance 3-4-5 0 0 0
Inspiration for
None yet

RichCarter 474

Used this one twice in the swiss rounds I was able to get a deed, a corporeal twist, and THREE Nightmare realms fairly early. Not only did that really help my shootouts, but it is easy to forget that nightmare realm keeps the opponent's dude from running, resulting in more kills.

in the cut rounds I faced off against Sloane Gang, and while I did get Ma Aims a shotgun and booted in town square to be a stud, I could not do anything about Doomdog's two jokers legal five of a kind. And HIS Nightmare realm meant that I needed to stick it out another round that did not favor me.

Jul 25, 2024 Kacheese

I have been playing this deck quite a bit recently.

It really is an awesome, aggressive shotgun deck!