2023 GenCon Marshal - DMA SF

published Aug 28, 2023 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

shekky_ducky 98

This is the deck I used in the 2023 Marshal Tournament at GenCon. The draw structure aims at a straight flush through sheer strength of will. There are no deeds or goods to slow down the action. There's only a skeleton crew of backup dudes. The idea is to hit hard and fast, ending the game or forcing your opponent's hand before they can build up to their full potential.

Edit: I just realized I goofed and published the wrong version of this deck. The only difference is that Jacqueline Isham replaces Big Nose Kate in the deck I actually used.

Aug 29, 2023 davido

You couldn't see fit to squeeze in some of those Killer KC such as: dtdb.co Winning Agenda, Test of Wills, Election Day Slaughter, Point Blank, Nightmare at Noon, all from TCaR onwards?

Aug 29, 2023 shekky_ducky

Great suggestions! K values were excluded from this build in the interest of maintaining the draw structure. I tried to thin out the values at the upper end to increase my chances at pulling a straight flush in shootouts and to help in winning the odd lowball where high card takes the win. Originally, I had only two Q cards, but Thirst for Blood is simply too good!

In future versions of this deck I may switch it up to see if the added threat of Nightmare at Noon or Election Day Slaughter are worth the loss of Murdered in Tombstone.

Sep 21, 2023 doomshaman

What is DMA?

Sep 26, 2023 aussiescum

The name of the Outfit - Deadwood Miner's Alliance (DMA)