Horses 6/7/8

published Jul 23, 2024 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kacheese 11

I made a horse deck to give Calling the Cavalry a try.

Would love some advice.

Kings was a tempting option. Having Cavalry Escort for a sidekick that can be recurred with Maggie seemed like it could be strong.

Jul 23, 2024 Kacheese

I realize I made a mistake with the deck I posted.

Should have: -1 This'll hurt +1 Ridden Down

Jul 30, 2024 Redgar

1) I quite like the economy you are starting with.

2) Not starting a 'real' Stud is a bold choice - though I like Aunt Lou as a pseudo-stud, and think you could probably get away with her as your second "stud", it feels like you might be weak to early pressure (and might well struggle to exert pressure of your own in the early game.)

This might not be a problem for you if you are playing solid studs reliably with all that extra GR, and/or are okay playing a more defensive early game (not my forte, I confess!).

3) Have you considered perhaps x2 [[Winchester Rifle]] (6H), -1 Roan, and x1 [[Le Matt Revolver]] (7H)? The former would help with your Stud deficit, the latter puts another Cheatin' Resolution option on the board, and both would tighten up your values a bit.

4) Sun in Yer Eyes is quite strong, but I worry that running three copies off value will end up pairing in Lowball at the most unhelpful times. Perhaps consider mixing it up (e.g. x1 Unprepared, x1 Coachwhip, x1 Sun in Yer Eyes) for some strong surprise clubs? (Though SIYE is a reliably strong card, to be sure.)

5) Your Cheatin' Resolution count seems a bit low. Not a problem, perhaps, if you aren't fightin' much until your hand is stacked, or if your opponent doesn't know and is playin' cautious just in case. Against a cheat-through-the-pain opponent, however, I worry your +1 HR from Cavalry ain't gonna get you far.

The above is just theory crafting, however... I might be totally off-base! Nothin' beats testing a deck out in some games.

Jul 30, 2024 Kacheese

1) I agree. It is a lot of starting GR and 3 production is great.

2) Which Stud would you reccomend starting? A big part of the starting ghost rock is that you can level up Al if you need to. Also, against most early aggression, Aunt Lou does get to be a stud. Perhaps not against Sloane or other Town Square kinda decks.

Additionally, the lack of a starting stud is a big reason I leaned towards making the deck quite tight.

3) Winchester and LeMat are great cards. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should cut for them? Is 15/15/14 weak enough that I should be worried about my draw structure being too loose?

4) I suppose I could trim the SIYE. I am only rocking the 3 off value cards. I don't find I am winning lowball very often TBH 15/15/14 is definitely on the tighter side of things. My off-values pairing in lowball seems like a minor risk.

5) What is a good amount of cheating res for decks to go for? This one has 6 actions and the Quickdraw. If often heard the wisdom that 6 is a good number to go for.

I have often considered making the 6 of clubs a 2/2 split between disarm and calling the cavalry. I have also tried Turning a 8 of hearts into Jacc's Fail Safe then trimming a Kidnappin for an additional Bat Beat.

Jul 30, 2024 Redgar

2) She does, but one Sun In Yer Eyes and you have no Stud. I think she is fine as a back-up, but I would suggest Kassandra Nilsson instead of Al Swearangen. Start at the same inf, but she is a stud with an ability for only 1 more GR. (I admire the Swearengen start, though. He might be enough if you plan to pay for him. Though it is mighty expensive... for the price, including Kassandra in your start instead of Rob would be other play.)

Maybe you are tight enough to not worry, too. And you are angling to run Call in the Cavalry. My thoughts above are just theory-crafting advice... if'n yer play experience says different, go with your xp! (And if you don't have play xp with this one yet... try it your way first!)

3) That's a tough one. My initial thought is 1 Roan, +1 Winchester, and -1 SIYE for +1 LeMatt. If you are starting another Stud, though, Winchesters are less important I think. On 3 values, the LeMatt's second ability seems like it will have a decent chance of triggering. Just

4) True... but once a game can be enough. Or it can be irrelevant - and SIYE is very strong. But so is Unprepared. If SIYE helps your deck more than Unprepared, and you are not concerned about the occasional Lowball loss, then by all means run 3 (I usually do. :) ) It just seemed like an easy area to loosen lowball a little while maintaining shootout power.

5) I play LD and Tommy Harden, so my math is skewed strongly by Tommy. 6 is probably fine - it just felt a little low to me, but I am an 'all blood all the time' player. Disarm is good, but if this is a CTC deck, I wouldn't weaken it further. If you do add a LeMatt, you double the chances of having an on-board CR, and you have great mobility which means you can usually reliably ride it into a fight when needed. (Your deck gets extra leverage out of on-board CRs for that reason).

6) I didn't see it last night when I was (supposed to be) packing, but your 8's seem like another area you can loosen up without hurting your power. Have you considered:

x1 This Will Hurt In The Morning x1 Ricochet x1 Coachwhip x1 Murdered in Tombstone (for extra Studly goodness and dial-a-resolution to suit your fight)?

Not sayin' it is the right way to go, This'll Hurt does work. But since 8's are off value anyway, might as well get a spread of options, reduce lowball pairing/cheating, and keep your opponent guessing about the type of pain they will receive...

Just my 2 GR worth, though... with the usual cavaet that I don't know what I'm talkin' about, and nothin' beats play XP!

Jul 30, 2024 Redgar

Consarnit, please ignore my comment number 6. I was gettin' my decks confused! ^^; That's what happens when I DTDB on the Go!