Girls n Gadgets

published Aug 09, 2024 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BloodyMutt 4

Normal disclaimer, I do not believe myself to "see the unseen" in deck building, here I just saw something in my head and slapped it together. Difference this time is at least my values are a little tighter than the shenanigans I shared before. A good deal of the intent is telegraphed with Joan McGruder and Winona Rein-Breaker out the gate, and I can already see the "idea" being weak to forced movement noon plays. I already see a few things I want to change, but half the time my intent is to post things so as to pick people's brains and get discussion tickin' so let's hear it!

Aug 09, 2024 Kacheese

A few things I noticed:

You are very light on dudes. Influence could def be a problem

There are no backup shamans

Some of your spells have pretty risky difficulties relative to your deck's values/the skill level of your shaman/blessed dudes

Marcia Ridge would be a whole lot of upkeep (3/turn)

You are pretty light on cheating resolution effects

Why only 4 starting dudes?

Aug 10, 2024 BloodyMutt

Working backwards Only 4 because $$, need to be able to pay for Yagn's if it is picked off of Dr. JT Goodenough opening.
Most of my play group ends up damn near never cheating so the few I have often never cheat when it matters so having more static and active things tends to favor. All the others can be answered: I putts about trying to pick dudes for hours on end and never really settle on anything. Starting dudes is straight answer is, money. Need to start with at least 2 GR for Yagn's if it is chosen by opponent off of Dr. JT Goodenough's ability
I'll probably revisit the idea with more seriousness but for now posted it to chitter about it :)