Soul stealer - Smiles in the shadow :)

published Mar 18, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Cruise Missiles 35 45 5
Inspiration for
None yet

Talism 7

So the goal of this deck is load up Smiling Tom and Micah Ryse with hexes, using them to control the opponents board playing the long game.

First few turns are about playing out as much as you can and getting some econ, Getting hexs on tom means you pretty much cant fail with them except for soul blast if you go for a high grit guy 10 ore more.

So i took this to a league night and it only dropped one game which i did a miss play or could of gone other way.

So far things i might change, recruitment drive can almost be unplayable some times , swaping it for something else is an option, Raising Hell is situational, i normally use 1-2 on Micah Ryse to use his ability or Hex Slingin' because bobo is the only guy you can afford to use it on. so the other 2 are better as pulls

Another change is eve henry dropping something for a Fetch or two for getting your missing pieces.

fun plays, using Fetch on one of there guys and calling out another one of there guys, win win :P