Dude • Stud 0 • Influence 0 • Cost 3 • Upkeep 0
Kung Fu 0

While Tsurugi has a Melee Weapon, he gets +2 bullets.

"Ever since he saw Kang's samurai he wanted to be like them, but at the end of the day he's just a hired thug with a sword." - Randall
Neutral • Riccardo Rullo • Whispers of War #25
By on

Tsurugi is not much of a fighter, no better than Irving Patterson when push comes to shove.

But this bully shines when working with a posse, or if you invest in giving him a melee weapon.

Add in a Rapier and you have a four cost 4 stud with no upkeep, perfect for any violent goals.

Tsurugi is not interested in your lofty goals of controlling the town, so he will not save the day from a flood of CP deeds.

Kung Fu 0 might be hard to use, but sometimes any chance is better than none.