my post on this from the other night also vanished by not hitting submit - I will try to remember what I said.
Tens of Clubs have been a design challenge from the initial Reloaded set, even with my split up of the abilities on Unprepared, it is almost universally useful. It is rare that there is a game without a shootout, and that card really shines.
But that doesn't mean that I give up on designing for the value. Swagger is great for folks that want more chess game, and Too Much Attention is great for Law Dog Control or just booting a troublesome deed.
And now Unexpected Allies wants a piece of that action. In some ways similar to the on value Recruitment Drive, this is good for getting a dude out of your discard pile, whether she went by in lowball or suffered the indignity of being kidnapped. And since that can all happen on an uncontrolled lowball cheatin', that makes it pretty safe.
But then there is the shootout - While this does not punish your opponent's hand, per se, adding a dude to your side and getting two hand ranks is a reward for you instead of a punishment for them. On the cheapest end, Rob Wilby, Bobo, or El Anonimo are a 1 cost hand rank boost. And if that is not enough hand ranks, they can be casualties. Or this can give you an unbooted dude for a Point Blank, or enough bullets for Outgunned. Or a dude with a built in resolution like "Dynamite" Jacc.