Shamans DMH

published Aug 13, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Wardens of the Balance 13 17 1
Inspiration for
None yet

mplain 1663

Kung Fu without Techniques, now Shamans without Spirits! :)

First click in the mornin' you go to the town square, second click you use the outfit ability, and then you have two strong studs and a bunch of shootout actions and cheatin' resolutions. If they don't want to fight, fine - build deeds, get control points with Allie, steal their deed abilities with Marcia, deny income, and make the game generally frustrating for your opponent!

Did I mention that the DMH structure gets stronger every time you use the outfit ability?

As gozik says, card advantage is a thing! :D

Aug 13, 2015 kollatt

cool deck concept. i dig it.