OP Kit #4 Event Banditslide - 1st Place

published Oct 12, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Next Level Slide - Top2 - OP Kit Warsaw, Poland - 28/11/15 4 7 12

kollatt 524

Oct 12, 2015 mplain

I wonder, how does this deck fare against Control Clowns?

Oct 12, 2015 tbowers13

Why Hamshanks over Hiram Capatch as a starter? Same influence for 1 less gr, I wouldn't think you get any use out of Hamshanks trait.

Oct 12, 2015 kollatt

i believe 4r control is a deck that can handle this when played correctly. puppet and paralysis mark are particularly problematic, and they usually have decent enough economy and dudes to not fall behind.

hamshanks is a much better starter. avoiding early kidnappin's and other annoying effects is helpful. him plus your two fodder starters eat election day slaughters while you set up as well. hiram's ability barely ever factors in for this archetype.

Oct 12, 2015 Bas100

I saw the variant of this one (Livonia Sheriff) win 3 games against 4R control. If they don't run a way to call out (Most don't) there's not a thing they can do to weather the movement T'ou Chi and the faction give you (To avoid puppets).

I'm curious now though, with Sanitorium/Forced Quarantine if more control will put ways to call out into it.

Oct 12, 2015 Kahkalack

This is almost identical to how I've modified my Banditslide since taking the Livonia Sheriff event with it. Asakichi is a solid upgrade over Hiram in the starting posse, and I've removed all 2 CP deeds and replaced them with 1 CP deeds as well.

4R control really can't beat this deck unless it gets incredibly lucky and has multiple puppets in play super early. As Bas100 stated, most traditional 4R control decks don't have a way to call anyone out at home. Once there are enough deeds in play (or T'ou Chi Chow, or both), it's too easy to outmaneuver the puppets since they have to be at your location.

Run jobs that force dudes to fight or be discarded / aced. That's how you beat this deck.

Oct 12, 2015 kollatt

the 4r deck i lost to was running puppet and phantasm and i never saw my faction leader till last actions. i outran election day slaughters and kidnappin's in the finals, so sometimes it's all about 'dem draws :) and yeah. no 2-point deeds. much better for this slide deck to win based on numbers. i would like to test more matchups, but it's sooo boring to play with or against.

Oct 12, 2015 Bas100

I will say playing against/with landslide gives you a lot of practice in the chess aspect of the game. Well worth it just to make sure you don't get hosed in bad moves in other games.

Oct 12, 2015 kollatt

original slide did that for me. teaches the importance of subtle positioning and careful play. still dull as dirt though. XD

Oct 12, 2015 Bas100

I will say the standard 4R control can be just as boring depending on match up :)

Oct 12, 2015 Gozik

My record with 4RC vs 108 slyde is 3-0. But I believe that clowns can lose game with unlucky starting hand.

Oct 12, 2015 Kahkalack

@Gozik it depends on the player too. 1 movement mistake with this deck and you will lose. It's that simple. You can't afford a single screw up.

Oct 12, 2015 Gozik

This can be say about almost every deck I think:)

Oct 12, 2015 pvdel

Agree with @Gozik. 4C control (@Gozik's version) is slightly favored against Landslide (any outfit - 108, EW, MCC, you name it). 4C usually loses when it cannot cycle their hand in the early and midgame. If you clog your hand with clubs that you cannot cycle easily - you may lose against a reasonable/good draw on the Landslide player part. However, if you manage to stay on deed&dude parity with the Landslide player, you'll win. And it's not that difficult to do with a proper 4C build. This is because of the fact that the edge gained with improved mobility (108 chief&outfit, Spirit Trail, Mustang) can be matched with Shadow Walk and Para Mark and it is fundamentally easier to contest deeds when you win shooutouts (and you cannot reastically expect to win anything against 4C as you have no structure in your landslide deck). One issue though with the matchup - it's extremelly hard to finish the game in a timely manner - it's just very easy to not lose an prolong the game forever.