The deck I won the Sheriff event at Eternal Games in Warren Michigan.
Uses the standard slide structure (19 dudes, 19 deeds), with minimal clubs and hearts. But, due to choosing on value cards, some of the slide choices are less than optimal compared to a pure slide. Looking at you Walter's creek distillery and Shi Long peng. Took my pure slide to GenCon, and ran face first into two Jia Mien force quarentine decks. After that I decided I wanted to have some game against that, even at the expense of pure slide power.
As a result we get this monstrosity. With 16X5's and 14X 10's I have a solid shooting structure, and by starting Longwei, I get a 7 card hand in any shootout provided I keep my home turned on. Which isn't hard to achieve. Plus the start leaves it up in the air for someone who may be Rico'ing as to what my plan is.
Results were phenomenal, pulling 5 of a kind three times, 4 of a kind twice and full house once in my shootouts over the course of the event.
In most cases after 1 or two shootouts I had "surprised" my opponent enough, and cost them enough influence that I could switch over to a pure slide game and win out.