An Odd Nightmare They’ll Never Forget

published Aug 22, 2018 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jaythejester 464

Jesters industries loves All Hallows Eve, and are preparing for your opponents A Fright They'll Never Forget.

So this is a deck that I've wanted to make for a long time, but never really actually built. It will also be the last deck I make that limited to pre To Tough To Die. It's so simple, it just might work. You play abominations, and you win shootouts! That is, unless you end up losing a shootout. In that case, you bring your dudes back from boot hill. Then you win shootouts! if that doesn't work, you bring your dudes back from boot hill. Then you win shootouts! If that still doesn't work, what you want to do is bring your dudes back from boot hill. Then you win shootouts! There is a contingency plan just in case that doesn't work, since you can bring your dudes back from boot hill. Then you win Shootouts.

When you have an Ivor Hawley (Exp.1) in your hand, you'll want to start playing frighteningly aggressive. Throw your clowns into meat grinder shootouts that you have a chance of cheating out a 4 or 5 of a kind. You want to just make the fights threatening enough that your opponents will use every shootout card they have. Play Ivor to bring back any dudes that you have aced, and go hard and strong against them.

I’ve gone for some split values to include some jobs in the deck. This deck is also weak on cheating resolutions, so plan to deal with cheaters with attrition tactics.

Aug 28, 2018 Howl86

Hey, I’ve just seen this deck and looks like fun, I’m guessing you don’t use fun time Freddy as a grift due to the lack of any other hucksters in the starting posse?

Aug 28, 2018 Howl86

Hey, I’ve just seen this deck and looks like fun, I’m guessing you don’t use fun time Freddy as a grift due to the lack of any other hucksters in the starting posse?