Regular Horses

published May 22, 2020 | | |
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Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Sliptide213 11

Horse deck i found from a youtube vid. Nothing special.

May 25, 2020 ironcache

Looks strong. Only change I'd consider is getting another off-value card for 4x Calling The Cavalry. It's very strong.

Buckin' Billy Ballard is very expensive, and your posse becomes a little weak if he gets Kidnapped. Not much to really do for a non-gadget horse deck though, especially without compromising the draw structure.

May 25, 2020 Sliptide213

I suppose Jarret Blake is another decent starter, being one GR less than Billy. To be completely genuine, I published the deck just to compare it to the Morgan starter on PBE.