108 Drunken Rabbits

published Jul 28, 2021 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SeanB 1

I'm testing ideas for 108 Drunken Masters. I love their innate card drawing capabilities and combined Focusing Chi, Randall and Baijie Jar, you'll likely have no issue with access to cards most of the time. Then the Jade Rabbit cards makes it very hard to pin them unpredictable as they can move seemingly weak dudes around and launch their big guns into shootouts if needed. Went for 2 values, A& 4 as the core shooting structure (also since the low values key off off of your outfit) and its not too hard to pump Mr Outang to 7 stud which pretty much guarantees 5 of kind. Otherwise you are hitting with 4-of-a-kind and Full houses pretty solidly. I don't have cheating resolutions but it's a fairly aggressive deck that wants to jump in, shoot big and still have influence to take deeds if needed.

Aug 19, 2021 DoomDog

Jade Rabbit Kung Fu provides incredibly strong shootout control. Backed up by the insane card cycling of Focusing Chi and Baijiu Jars (aided by Randall's hand size boost) it can be quite a force to reckon with. I'd definitely recommend finding room for some Cheatin' Resolutions though - if your opponent catches on that you don't have any there's nothing stopping them going for 5oaK/4oaK all the time either, and they might have Cheatin' cards to punish you for doing it :)