published Jun 16, 2023 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheUglyKnight 1

So this is my first Draft of any deck for the game. My goal was to make a deck that used the shuffle in from House of Many Faiths to shuffle in the Values lost from a dead man’s hand to keep it viable for as long as possible.

I intended to splash into the blessed stuff to fully utilize the ability. I got excited when I saw Dies Irae line up with Agent Provocateur but only after the fact do I realize its a bit of a bombo because I don’t want dead man’s values locked up in Boot Hill.

I’m not sure how I’m doing on my Dudes. Is 15 Good? More? Less? After having played one game now will I ever have enough GR to play Reverend Bob Hungate and use his ability? I

Jun 16, 2023 DoomDog


You'd benefit from having at least some of your 8 of spades cards be ones that can easily cycle back into the deck - El Anónimo or E Gui are good options here. I'd also go for slightly fewer hearts to add a couple more stud dudes to the deck.

Maybe cut one Onward Christian Soldiers. I don't think that Sword of the Spirit and the Battered Banjos will pull their weight here and might be better off as Pearl-Handled Revolvers for stud and Fancy New Hats for influence. If the number of Miracles is getting too low for comfort perhaps Sentinel would be good to add. If going higher on the number of Miracles and intending to cast them successfully, I'd drop the Aces down to the minimum needed and boost another value for backup in shootouts because the more Aces you have the more you'll fail spell pulls. The Joker's Smile is totally worth keeping though.

You might find you need a way to push a game to its close against an opponent that avoids shootouts with you. Something like Allie Hensman, New Town Hall, Epidemic Laboratory or a couple of Job actions that can remove dudes (eg Kidnappin').

Finally, don't forget about adding Jokers to your deck!