Revolver II: God's Regulators

published Nov 23, 2023 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DoomDog 984

For the second online Revolver event, I decided on playing weird decks that utilised skills outside of their usual factions. This had mixed results...

Regulators moves your dude to Town Square. Sentinel moves your Blessed to town square. Coinneach "Ken" Càrn wants to be in town square with his friends. That was the rough plan here. I lost against Laura's Regulators though. The first turn saw her play several deeds and I figured her deck was some kind of shooty slide. I had a Sentinel and thought I'd discard it for the control point to try and go for early pressure. Unfortunately that was the only spell I saw all game, and nor could I draw any of my stud dudes so after a few turns when she got her shooty dudes into play and came to fight me I didn't have a good posse to fend them off.

I'd quite like to try this idea again as it felt like there was something there, but the deck just misfired.