Drew's Draw

published Mar 29, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kirsty 31

All deeds are one control point only (except the zeroes) and all are fairly cheap in order to build up an economy slowly without giving your opponent the chance to use your own deeds against you. The deck is fairly light on gadgets, Drew can invent them easily but if he draws (pun intended) your opponents attention and gets kidnapped or paralysed easily then it's not a disaster. Five starters spreads the influence load thinly. No upkeep helps with the economy, but the lack of studs means you want to avoid fights until you have equipped them. Higher influence dudes can be employed when they are affordable.  Steven and Bobo are day labourers, always happy to help with any stud and influence issues.  The clubs are intentionally a mix up, that might be either to confuse the opposition by throwing different things at them or just because I'm indecisive. I've stuck mostly to things that have a use at noon in order to avoid having a hand clogged full of shootout or resolution actions. The values include 13x5, 13x6 and 12x8 which is an attempt to be able to draw a decent shootout hand whilst still having a good chance of winning the lowball pot. 

Deck has worked well in friendly play but I piloted it badly in tournament play, I think the time limit makes me panic and get into shootouts I should avoid.