A Bad Beat, or Coming up Roses.

published May 19, 2016 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hand Protection Racket 2 2 14

jaythejester 464

Early draft of a sloan town square control deck that uses Ace in the Hole and Comin' Up Roses to try for Straight Flushes, a hand rank most decks aren't built to beat. If you're opponent cheats with a 5 of a kind, you have Fetch and Comin' Up Roses working even harder. The Joker's Smile pulls jokers back into your deck.

Antheia increases all your clubs by 3 for huckster pulls, so you shouldn't fail pulls very often.

With Straight Flush decks, so often I pull 4 of the 5 pieces of a good hand, sadly leaving you with a terrible hand rank, this deck aims to let you win big with only 3 or 4 of the right card, than filling in the gaps with abilities.

I have no idea if this deck is fast enough or even viable on any turn you don't have Comin' Up Roses in your hand. Will be working on a gadgeting version with Auto revolver, and force field.