The ultra-rare occasion upon which I have opted to play any flavour of kung-fu deck. But I had decided months ago that I was doing this, just not the finer details until more recently. So one thing I've spotted since getting home - the reason I was grumbling about Run Rabbit Run turning up in my hand it is because I scooped a copy of that up when I had meant to have packed the listed Two Hundred Fifty Rounds. I was wondering why that card had been in there when I'd intentionally left Jade Rabbit out of things; obviously being an error when trying to throw the cards together after a terribly late night. That c-c-c-c-c-c-combo breaker aside, the deck mostly functioned as I thought it might. Not a single game I played got decided within time in the tournament, but I have to take that as a certain level of resilience too, especially in the first game in which vast swathes of casualties surface but I couldn't spent ghost rock for trying as I waited for a dude, any dude, to show up in my hand. I'll say this - not a dull game, as various movement, control point and shootout shenanigans took place. I got to place one Monkey shootout escape right where I wanted it, but a couple of the shootouts badly let me down. Relatively consistent straight flushes were possible, with only one time a Comin' Up Roses not only saved me from ruin but caused a little trauma itself. My first game went to a tiebreaker of bullets, another to a stack of chips and another to a little shootout positioning, but I was mostly quite happy with the way it turned out. Maybe I will see how the intended version of this deck works, but today at least managed to achieve the goal of (mostly) playing a deck type I said I'd try out just as soon as we agreed the event had to happen. Oh, and I didn't place particularly high at the event, but on this one special dispensation I thought I'd mark what I was doing to the rest of the DT types. Anyway, maybe I'll come back to this and get it working if I'm lucky But it more than suited my day, I think.