Coinneach "Ken” + friends - PAX Unplugged 2023 - 1st Place

published Dec 05, 2023 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EOJBakura 25

Using the combo of Coinneach "Ken" and Christine Perfect (Exp.1), you are trying to out maneuver your opponent or bait them out of position to let "Ken" walk into town square to get his 2 (or more!) control points from the members of his posse.

I semi-focused on the abomination keyword to benefit from the cost reduction part of the home, while having a ready group 3-5 cost out-of-faction dude to turn into from your Agent P. A little bit of miracles to help "Ken" support his monsters, boost his own power to control town square, or get the extra control point for the next day.

Encroaching Darkness only needs someone of higher value to make an opposing character drop their influence by 1, which can also sneak out the win when it looks like it should be going to the next day. I think having "Ken" be a one-off can be dangerous but leads to some fun and dynamic games.

Feb 20, 2024 Andrew Davidson

This new archetype looked interesting and unusual so I tried it at our recent event in London. I was short of a Pinto and so substituted a Shield of Faith which looks handy to have too. I was worried that the deck might not shoot well enough but it was quite consistent in delivering good hands -- often a legal full house or four of a kind. I'm still getting the hang of its tricks and tactics but can already see its potential. More anon...