Iris Jarvis by on

There are plenty of things to love about this card.

1 - basically the card reward for Ken Nabbe, our Thunder Boy for his victory at GameHoleCon.

2 - Ridiculously good art by David Hammond, with the Thunder Boy in the background and a likeness of his daughter, Iris.

3 - startable blessed with influence and low cost.

4 - Resolution that "always" works if you are running with Laura Banks - and works better if they cheat.

5 - or, if you are not using blessed, an 8 value, cheap 2 influence dude - which is the stuff that law Dog dreams are made of.

Rafi Hamid by on

Rafi Hamid was gunned down by Jasper Stone some time ago.

But much like jasper Stone, death just didn't stick to the deputy.

Now he is back and looking for a little bloody redemption.

He still likes Government Locations (eight in the current environment) - I suspect he scares folks that are hoping that they get to retire and get a pension.

Pair this Rafi with a good old fashioned Shotgun and you can get a permanent bullet bonus.

Looking for the bold player that combines new Rafi with his killer, Jasper Stone

"Uncle" Howard Bearclaw by on

While there are only 6 out of town locations currently in the environment, they all provide a useful boost to your economy (or to an opponent). Howard Bearclaw was a cross country runner in his youth, and can get out of town without being winded.

Also a 0 stud (great for back up) with 2 influence and zero upkeep. if you are like me and run Kings for the other First Peoples interactions, having a reasonably priced one that is either useful (on stats) or VERY USEFUL (for his ability) is just what the Great Spirit asked for.

Mahpiya Violet by on

As long as you can keep her feed with spirits, you have a no upkeep 3 stud.

of course, Mahpiya is not a shaman herself, so you will need a spirit talker to travel with her (and with a spirit), so it can be out manuevered.

and you can cycle those on value spirits back into your deck structure.

Fire-Dancer by on

Fire Dancer wants to use totems that have shootout actions. have a fight break out where there is a totem

Boot into the fight

activate the Totem.

Unboot Fire Dancer.

oh, and he is Shaman 2 in case you need a little more skill for the combo of cards you have in mind.

now if only there was a Totem that could attach to your home......

Jett Can Cega by on

if you have enough luck to reliably turn your draw into a stud, then you can save some money.

but the truth is that you want to Rabbit's Deception out of the fight and boot someone on your way out.

Also works if they Pistol Whip Jett home - he leaves a parting gift.

and I am pretty sure he also works when running home after a round of the shootout. (But not from chickening out of the fight in the first place.

passes Kung Fu on an 8, so he might be a user of Behold White Bull.

The Resurrectionist by on

Inspired by the old Horace Manse, for a new age.

While you may not end up keeping this 2 upkeep dude in play for the long haul, at least while he is in play you get his influence to ward off defeat.

Cagey players may plan on a sacrifice play like Mourning Mist or No Turning Back, using The Resurrectionist to soften the cost.

or if you are really smart, slide a dead, but on-value Abomination back into your deck when your card count is low. Either draw it to hand at the end of turn or draw it into a shootout... win - win.

Gabrielle Perivale by on

connecting with the Fear Monger Mystical goods theme - this voodoo huckster can weaken an opponent in a fight.

use a Silver Weave Staff or Stone's Colt Dragoons, and you have a reliable -2 bullet penalty.

and that influence hit might protect you from Mariel Lewis / Zac Deloria - or just make sure that you are the player who gets to use the Carter's Bounties where you are fighting.

The Grave Gunslinger by on

Fans voted for The Ghostly Gun to come back.

this version sacrifices an influence in the name of reducing that hefty 7 cost price tag.

or, if feigning weakness / caught off guard, you can pay the cost to suddenly join a shootout - particularly if you really need an extra 2 stud.

you can of course spice that trick up more with something to unboot your new friend like Stand Together. Or have him spring into action from Unexpected Allies or Soul Cage.

Noah & Jonah Whateley by on

fans of the original Total Recall may get Kuato flashbacks, but this abomination against nature is just trying to protect the hucksters that he is charged to protect. A strong deterrent to an early kidnapping.

Combine with Phantasm and it becomes unlikely that dudes accept a call out in your home.

Dr. Dwight Shelton by on

Theoretically safer than running Maggie's job - as long as you have the right location (lucky for you, there is Livery Stables)

Cheap influence, but horse medicine is an expensive hobby, so you have to keep paying him.

helps a deck running on Q that is looking for some card through put.

Delores "Dolly" Lassiter by on

the strength of Dolly goes hand in hand with the deeds that you are using. and the availability of that elusive "1 more ghost rock". A short list of deeds that she will most commonly set up shop: (Noon Actions)

Circle M Ranch

Pony Express

Mayor's Office

Baird's Build and Loan

General Store

Charlie's Place (5 STUD!)

2nd bank of Gomorra (net +1 GR)

or ... a surprise California Tax Office!

Sterling Chan by on

A little tribute card for community member Chan Sterling, this Entrepreneur is looking to talk your ear off.

As long as neither dude leaves the "conversation", neither unboot at nightfall this turn. Hopefully you can use this to secure a victory on the following turn.

Add in some horses so that you can follow your mark.

Piotr by on

This is a reward card for one of our Weird West backers. The idea is a vampire that uses his faith to manage his curse.

Of course, in the violence-prone world of Doomtown, there can be tangible rewards for abandoning one's faith, if only for a little while.

now, Piotr the pious can certainly perform a noon miracle pre-fight, or use his Shootout action after performing a miracle. Then you can recycle your on value hearts to promote more legal hands. (even better with the 10 zero cost miracles)

Mr. Outang by on

time for a little more monkey business. (I should try to turn that name into a card.)

Always a Mean Drunk, the older (and wiser?) experienced version of our favorite primate sacrifices his number of bullets for both a superior bullet type and now with influence. (also an adjustment to make up for not having Whiskey Flask in the environment.)

3 value with a Kung Fu 2 makes pulls on a 5, so if you choose to start Mr. Outang, the three Kung Fu dudes on 5 are a fine fit for deck building - as well as the five Saloon deeds with values five or less.

While sure, calling out a dude at a Saloon should normally be done with the standard noon action, this belligerent biped can start a ruckus while booted. And that 2 Kung Fu rating is what people who want to use Monkey goes to the Mountain have been needing.

Wong Fee Lee by on

Wong Fee Lee is here to fulfill your cinematic fantasy of one man against many foes. If your foe brings the full might of a starting five dude posse, then you have a dude with an unheard of Kung Fu 5. too bad Monomi Miles doesn't have this text - although it is for the best.

Or - if you are not planning on starting with Wong Fee Lee, he is a great addition on 2's in an Anarchist Kung Fu Deck that might even be able to make kung fu pulls once he comes into play.

Fort 51 by on

If you missed the announcement and are looking at this wondering, "Why reprint Fort 51? I don't see any changes."

I added "equal to or... less than the gadget's printed cost".

as a byproduct of some of my price slashing for Weird West Edition combined with curating the card pool, the original Fort 51 had major struggles with being able to apply bounty.

Now the four 1 cost gadget weapons will allow you to place a bounty on the abundant 1 influence dudes. And those four 2 cost gadget weapons can place the blame firmly on key influence dudes.

I still like to run this home with Stewart Davidson - as long as there is a handy zero influence bullet catcher, I pitch a card, boot Stewart, apply bounty. Then I use the home, claim the bounty. it takes steps, but it turns an unused card into a Ghost Rock.

Buzz Crover by on

Buzz puts in the work just hanging out in Town Square. (remember having someone at your home while he is in TS is nearby)

Great for holding weapons and no upkeep means he will hold a good spot in future lists.

Christine Perfect (Exp.1) by on

Cards like this are fantastic. She has a great theme (as did her previous version), It mechanically is rewarding. And to top it off it's a design space I'd love to see used more! Not all the time mind you, but a few here and there. A LD/Ent Inventor for hire, A kungfu dude for both FP and Anarchs etc...

Felix Cutler by on

The best option of all would be to combine him with a non-cheatin' resolution so you can use the action, reset, and re-use it immediately. Sadly, there are very few cards that fit this bill (other than The Gambler's Gun which...uhh no), but one possibility is doubling up on a LeMat Revolver to turn a cheatin¨three pair into...well, a Dead Man's Hand if you have a 4 Stud.

Coinneach "Ken" CĂ rn by on

I would've loved to have this guy in my Classic Texas Rangers deck that contained one dude of every faction (yes, all eleven Classic factions).

The deck's tagline, of course, was "I'm here to shoot it or recruit it - and I'm all outta bullets".

Kentucky Windage by on

Yes, I know, this seems more like a Miracle than a hex.

but in the role playing game, Kentucky Windage is a hex to enhance the huckster's shooting.

and there are a number of hucksters that tease with low stud values and middling draw values - this Hex will allow them to step up into the role of Shooter.

Whistle Stop by on

Courtesy of our story team request.

What we have here is a gadget flash bang grenade. and depending on your deck's level of clubs, you might stun your own dudes as well.

Free Q heart that shuffles back in to support long term legal four of a kind.

Experimental for decks that are looking for that sort of thing.

Fred Ayres by on

This Fred likes the magical do dads, which supports the Mystical goods theme of the Fearmongers. And most of the mystical goods are cheap. Cheaper still with Bayou Vermilion Railroad

booting an attached Mystical goods is not a big cost, but just knowing the next card is not that big of an effect. unless you make it worth it. if you run some kings and queens with Soul Blast, you can know which dude you are poised to kill. or know when you can pull off the big difficulty Phantasm

Alonzo by on

one of the risks of attachment based decks like hucksters is that in the mid to late game you often have difficulty making legal full houses and four of a kinds because many of your hearts are in play.

Alonzo can return a hex, even a used one, to the rotation, and end up replacing the card in the process.

all for no upkeep and 2 influence - everything you want in a starting dude.

Forget, Fetchc, Sight beyond Sight, Shadow Walk, and Mind Twist - all zero cost Noon cast hexes for the huckster on the go.

Dakota Katzeek by on

it is an annoying truth of Doomtown that the gambling phase is going to show you the cards that you really want. So, as long as you can get a deed in play, Katzeek can pull a Totem from the discard pile and plant it.

Sure, at the risk of booting your Shaman at a Deed, but you don't get something for nothing.

if the Totem you retrieve is Spirit Trail, just use it to return to a safe location.

also note - Dakota Katzeek says that you MAY immediately plant the totem. you might have a better location in mind for that totem. maybe even your home.

Charley Bull by on

one of the themes of the First peoples is "aggressively" using influence.

Charley here takes up a cost and upkeep line that is more for standard shooters - but with a 0 stud and 2 influence. at the most basic level he can push a two bullet penalty onto an opposing shooter.

but throw on an attire like Ranger's Bible and now we are talking -3 bullets and a cheatin resolution.

or add in some weapon bonuses to make better use of Charley's natural studness.

Amity Hopkins by on

BLESSED 2 ?? my oh my, what can we do with that? passing Onward Christian Soldiers with a 2 or Lay On Hands with a 4 or just getting access to Soothe while also running Bounty Hunter

or just run with the Noon side of the equation. get opposing dudes wanted. and if they are in the same location as the faithful miss Hopkins, boot them. --- then bring in the Law Dog shooters to seal the deal.