No risk, big fun!

published Jan 29, 2015 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Apo 1

8s - 15x, 3s - 14x, Qs - 13x

The point of this deck is to reduce your opposition's influence by picking off the important dudes and then clinch the win by putting down some deeds. The first task is done by setting-up win-win situations.

Use your outfit ability to make your opponent's dude wanted, then send over the Bounty Hunter. Even if the gunslinger fails, you can use him to Point Blank someone (possibly reducing their bullets first with Sun in Yer Eyes). Wendy, Missed and Pistol Whip are there to make sure you kill exactly who you intend.

Bullet increasing weapons (Point Blank enablers) can be bought for cheep with General Store. Throw into the mix a little cheating punishment, full package of Steven Wiles (another Point Blank enabler) and you're done.