Take 6

published Jul 27, 2024 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BloodyMutt 4

At this point we're just kinda throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. I have ideas but the ticking of the clock is getting the better end on me actually trying to sit down and ponder them. Here we're looking to tighten up our hand values a little more, though at the cost of spells like Phantasm which for the few wins I've had did a ton of work. Part of me kind of likes the Outlaw version more José Morales for example is cheaper out of the gate for a Huckster 3 (and with his trait much easier to boost up for more threatening Soul Blasts. Pull strength now isn't going to be popping the 10-14 grit characters which is a shame. For the most part I think I'm chasing my own tail mainly trying to pick a solid suite of dudes to do the thing which is casting spells that impact the board state though running tests this should be at least a bit more consistent in shootouts. As always open to suggestions here and on discord.

Jul 28, 2024 Kacheese

Have you had any problems with making poker hands? I noticed that you went for four different values (4,5,6,7) all of them having a lower density than you would usually see in deck.

Also, I noticed that you have some spells with a difficulty that might be a bit risky for this deck. Like Bolts of Doom for example. Have you found you have any problems with that?

Jul 28, 2024 Kacheese

Have you considered using Black Owl to make Concordia Cemetery work more consistently?

Jul 29, 2024 BloodyMutt

So, haven't gotten a game of it in this variant. The intent is to try and aim for straights and/or flushes. Assuming best case, José Morales starts as a huckster 3 and the hope would find some more bullet buffs. Honestly... it is trying to make soul blast work while knowing it is an inferior Shotgun...

Jul 29, 2024 BloodyMutt

Edit to the above, legit forgot which version of the deck I was responding to XD. But this one is more intent on baiting folks to come fight in the cemetery, the straight/flush aspect isn't ideal but what I'm currently tweaking is to have as many impactful spells moving around as we can. It is all theory no practice (yet)