Dude • Stud 1 • Influence 1 • Cost 4 • Upkeep 1
Experienced 1 • Kung Fu 2

Noon: Call out a dude at this Saloon. Shootout: Boot a Saloon you control to give Mr. Outang +1 bullets.

"That boy's go some real mad monkey kung fu! - Chuan "Jen" Qi
Anarchists • Riccardo Rullo • Whispers of War #3 | Blood Moon Rising #8
By on

time for a little more monkey business. (I should try to turn that name into a card.)

Always a Mean Drunk, the older (and wiser?) experienced version of our favorite primate sacrifices his number of bullets for both a superior bullet type and now with influence. (also an adjustment to make up for not having Whiskey Flask in the environment.)

3 value with a Kung Fu 2 makes pulls on a 5, so if you choose to start Mr. Outang, the three Kung Fu dudes on 5 are a fine fit for deck building - as well as the five Saloon deeds with values five or less.

While sure, calling out a dude at a Saloon should normally be done with the standard noon action, this belligerent biped can start a ruckus while booted. And that 2 Kung Fu rating is what people who want to use Monkey goes to the Mountain have been needing.