In the later stages of designing a set, we get together and try to find existing Deadlands art that fits what a card I have designed does. Sometimes the word "fits" is a stretch.
After Debt of Blood, our Layout / Art Director and I were discussing this topic where I said "if you have pieces of art you want to use, I will make cards to fit.
as a veteran of Classic Doomtown, we had an event (Stampede) that would, during Lowball, send all dudes in Town Square home, and no dudes could go to Town Square that turn.
Reloaded does not have events, but much like how A Coach Comes to Town turned the Classic Event into a Job, I used that as my inspiration.
Like other Town Square Jobs, STAMPEDE! is not simple. How many dudes to commit to a Job that does not directly make a negative impact on your opponent? If your job is successful, how do you plan on capitalizing on the opportunities that it creates? Extra Shootout movement (like Pinto) can let you undercommit to the job and then later bring more forces to bear.
once a STAMPEDE! is in place, Horses can get you to places without booting, or dude abilities like Asakichi Cooke - or have a job like Kidnappin' ready to go once your opponent boots dudes around to cover deeds.