Action • Cost 0

Shootout: You get +1 hand rank this round if the opposing posse has more dudes than your posse when draw hands are revealed.

"Dozens of Farnum's men, you say? Best to tell him to get a dozen more!" - Buzz Crover
Neutral • Tomek Tworek • Whispers of War #59
By on

The way that casualties work in Doomtown, the board position can get to a point where you have an uphill fight against superior numbers. The "few against many" trope is part of our western fantasy shared mythology, and it needed a card.

on a King value, this is not going to be mixed with the Jade Rabbit Kung Fu package.

Defensively, if you have one or more of these in your hand, you can use the size of the aggressor's posse to decide how many of your dudes choose to be involved - a case of less being more.