Sentinel Dogs Toolbox (Tombstone Series 1st Place)

published May 23, 2018 | | |
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LPF 113

Not a huge turnout for the event but I'll post the list anyway.

The Plan: Get your self situated with enough decent combat tricks with Father Tolarios and Grimme. (Make sure to grab amazing grace on the first turn if they have no 0 influence dudes.) Then grab sentinel and sit in town square. Loop sentinel every turn until either your opponent kills Tolarios or you win.

May 23, 2018 Harlath


I tried something similar in playtest but without Grimme. Glad to see a similar theme hit actual play, even if the values we're on are fairly different.

Sounds fun to play as it is naturally interactive and gives LD another competitive archetype.

I like 1x Censure as cheatin' punishment you can dig for with Tolarios. As there are a number of low Value dudes in the starting posse I wondered if splashing 1x Shield of Faith could work against Shotgun/Soul Blast (or indeed to protect anyone from Legendary Holster. However, I'm not 100% sure of this suggestion as this deck naturally makes good use of your own 4x Point Blank. A tough choice...

Well done again and look forward to seeing how this evolves with coming expansions. :)

May 30, 2018 Prodigy

I've played a ton of LD miracle based decks ever since Tolarios was released, and I've always had trouble with my economy. For that reason I never gave Grimme a try.

Your deck won't be affected by Grimme's increased costs, because of not having more than 1 copy of a spell in the deck, so that is a good way to get around his down-side (unless you are playing vs another miracle deck, of course).

Always interesting to see which miracles other people choose, as there are so many with various useful abilities. Personally I cannot make a miracle deck without 2 or 3 Get Behind Me, Satan! and at least one Confession and one Shield of Faith (as Harlath suggested). Shield of Faith stops your own Point Blank and Jael's Guile, however, but even so its nice to have as a backup in case of shotguns, LHs, or Soul Blasts.

That's the beauty of a toolbox build, you can put in there what you need, what you think is fun, and change it out as desired! Between Father Tolarios and Doomsday Supply I've been very spoiled with toolbox/search builds, and have a hard time going back to other decks without such options.

Jun 29, 2018 kempy

About Q slot, what do you think about replacing two INWYK with Missed? I am just wondering how often 2 GR was a problem.

Jul 08, 2018 LPF

@kempy I dont think you need to. If i were to replace it with another Q i would do taking ya with me. The big thing about this deck is that its set up to win a few shootouts by a large amount. With that in mind INWYK is better because it fits that plan better than missed.

Jul 08, 2018 LPF

@kempy I dont think you need to. If i were to replace it with another Q i would do taking ya with me. The big thing about this deck is that its set up to win a few shootouts by a large amount. With that in mind INWYK is better because it fits that plan better than missed.