Tuwikka-nera bien qui Tuwikaa-nera le dernier

published Sep 05, 2019 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Tuwikka-nera bien qui Tuwikaa-nera le dernier V2 0 0 0

yoritomobobo 43

Sep 06, 2019 Prodigy

This deck title and deck itself both beg for explanations!

I love Spiritual Society + Tuwikaa, as its aggressive 1 forced callout per turn (boot the dude with home, then call them out with Tuwikaa), not unlike a LD Judge deck.

However I see you start Agent Provocateur, which is against you being able to be aggressive. Also, rumors is another card that doesn't help Tuwikaa's aggression.

Can you please share your thoughts on that?

Sep 06, 2019 yoritomobobo

AH :) I was just talking about that deck with my pardner, who, in no uncertain term, told me how much of a pile he thought this was. This is the day for this deck. :)

Well it's a barely finished decklist scraped before leaving work, and the starting posse posed me no end of trouble, so i don't know how much i can justify any of this. Yet. :) Agent provocateur was mostly for money, cheap influ and a bit of help against kidnappin at the beginning, but really, i went through many things, jake smiley, travis moone etc, as cheap additional bullet catchers. Might be better.

As for rumors, in theory it help me use the outfit, make it's who you know/ Tuwika abit better (acting as pseudo bullet boosting for these influence shootout), and in a pinch can help close the game a turn earlier later on.

This need a ton of reworking still, any ideas are welcome. Dog duster looks like an awful idea, its only saving grace is being an attire on value with its who you know, but it only help for one shootout sadly, so meh. Fancy hat/more knights chasuble would help. Also i don't know if i have enough horses for Run'em down yet.

Oh, the title: i'm french and it's an awful pun/play on words (basically it's "he who laugh last laugh the longest": "tu ricanes=tuwikaane". I know sorry couldn't help myself) :)

Sep 06, 2019 yoritomobobo

AH :) I was just talking about that deck with my pardner, who, in no uncertain term, told me how much of a pile he thought this was. This is the day for this deck. :)

Well it's a barely finished decklist scraped before leaving work, and the starting posse posed me no end of trouble, so i don't know how much i can justify any of this. Yet. :) Agent provocateur was mostly for money, cheap influ and a bit of help against kidnappin at the beginning, but really, i went through many things, jake smiley, travis moone etc, as cheap additional bullet catchers. Might be better.

As for rumors, in theory it help me use the outfit, make it's who you know/ Tuwika abit better (acting as pseudo bullet boosting for these influence shootout), and in a pinch can help close the game a turn earlier later on.

This need a ton of reworking still, any ideas are welcome. Dog duster looks like an awful idea, its only saving grace is being an attire on value with its who you know, but it only help for one shootout sadly, so meh. Fancy hat/more knights chasuble would help. Also i don't know if i have enough horses for Run'em down yet.

Oh, the title: i'm french and it's an awful pun/play on words (basically it's "he who laugh last laugh the longest": "tu ricanes=tuwikaane". I know sorry couldn't help myself) :)