Stud Decimator

published Aug 26, 2021 | | |
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Prodigy 790

This is the deck I loaned Carter Huff for the 2021 Deadwood Marshal tourney, in which he made it into the top 4. First 14 year old to make it to such a cut?!

Nothing too fancy, just lots and lots of cards that cut down opposing dudes bullets, both in numbers and reducing them to draws.

Dr. JT Goodenough might be my favorite new dude, he's been in like 3 of my latest 4 decks. Here he'll grab a Net Gun and then either a Kinetic Accretion Actualizer or a Electrostatic Pump Gun, depending on how the matchup looks. If you are going against a super aggressive deck, maybe grab the pump gun, otherwise spare the extra GR and take the Actualizer (which fails 1/3rd of your pulls later in game anyway, so its nice to get that out of the way without having to make a pull for it via JT). Of course if you see Abominations, perhaps have the Holy Wheel Gun be the other choice.

Get gadgets, call out dudes with the outfit, then proceed to decimate their studs!